Application Description:
J•DRAIN MVP & SWD provides a simple solution to the many complex drainage problems that occur to Horse Farms. The narrow cross-section allows for J•DRAIN MVP & SWD to be installed without significantly disrupting the natural turf (see below). In many cases the arena can be returned to play the same day. Trenches should be dup perpendicular to slope so that they intercept surface run-off as well as drain water from arena.
Product Recommendation
Standard recommendations. Please contact a JDR representative for the product to meet specific requirements:
Product Brochure
Please click on below brochure or data sheet for printable pdf:
- J•DRAIN SWD Landscape & Athletic Field Drainage
- J•DRAIN MVP Athletic Field Drainage
- J•DRAIN SWD (Athletic Fields)
- J•DRAIN MVP (Athletic Fields)
Cross Section
System Fittings:
NES evaluated.
Visit Installation Instructions or Architectural Specifications & MSDS for more info.