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Synthetic Turf Fields

Application Description:

Efficient drainage of surface and subsurface water on a synthetic turf athletic fields is critical to maintaining the life span of the turf & track along with the usability of the field.

J•DRAIN Turfcore has a dual function, provide peak performance protection and solve drainage problems, preventing the possible flooding caused by the inherent design conflicts of alternative stone based fields. J•DRAIN Turfcore consists of a polypropylene sheet cuspated under heat and pressure to form a high flow, high compressive strength dimpled drainage core. The core is available as an impermeable sheet or punched, based on application. Impermeable core covers and seals the field, while moving the water off the field replacing, the expensive engineered stone base and available 4 & 8 ft. wide. Turfcore provides field stability, shock attenuation pad, as well as allowing water evacuation. J•DRAIN’s factory built-in expansion/contraction controls assure Turfcore always lays perfectly flat with no weight on top and regardless of temperature or temp swings.

J•DRAIN SWD-12 & MVP-12 provides a cost effective alternative to pipe and gravel under-drains when constructing synthetic turf playing fields. By replacing these under-drains, trench excavation costs are eliminated and the amount of gravel fill is greatly reduced. J•DRAIN MVP-12 is laid horizontally across the field at specified intervals (normally 10 to 15 ft.) and provides rapid drainage from the playing field (see below).

Product Recommendation

Standard recommendations. Please contact a JDR representative for the product to meet specific requirements:

J•DRAIN Turfcore

J•DRAIN Turfcore



Product Brochure

Please click on below brochure or data sheet for printable pdf:

Full Field Coverage

Strip Drain

Cross Section Turfcore

Cross Section Turfcore

Cross Section MVP

Cross Section MVP

Cross Section MVP

Typical Athletic Field Drainage Layout

ES ESR-1901

NES evaluated.

Report No. ESR-1901

Visit Installation Instructions or Architectural Specifications & MSDS for more info.

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